Member-only story
Get a Different Name Day: Challenge
Challenge By: Lu Skerdoo, and “Hubs” James Scannell
“Get a Different Name Day” Challenge
Challenge by: Lu Skerdoo and James Scannell
Anybody who knows me, knows I love a good challenge. Yesterday I was challenged by: Lu Skerdoo and her hubby, aka “Hubs,” better known as James Scannell, to participate in the above Challenge, “Get a Different Name Day Challene”. Here goes:
Is your Medium name “Real” or “Penned”?
My medium name of Wire Editor Newman is most definitely real. I wear it like a badge of Honor. I have told this story before, so if you have heard this explanation before it is ok, to just skip to the next heading.
My Dad was a Journalist, and had been promoted to Wire Editor, of our local newspaper shortly after I was born. He had won some Journalism Awards, through out the state, and at least one Nation Wide Award.
Somewhere I have a picture of him with President Nixon, in the White House.
Dad died when I was only nine years old, and all I wanted was to be just like him. I took Journalism classes, from the same college he graduated from, which has his name and date of…