Aloe Vera Plants

Wire Editor Newman
3 min readMar 9, 2024

A Reminder to be To Be, more Christ-Like.

Providing 30 Prompts for March, Prompts by J.M. Troppello

Photo by Katja-Anna Krug on Unsplash

I wrote this Poem below, After I read. poem, written, By. One of our medium: Lu Skerdoo. Lu SKkerdoo’s Poem is in response to a Writing Prompt given to us from, J.M. Troppello

The Link to Lu Skerdoo;s article is enclosed below:

A poem about Spring flowers. A March Prompt from J.M. Troppello | by Lu Skerdoo | Bella Vita Tesoro | Mar, 2024 | Medium

Please check out both writers above this link.

From The Desk Of, Wire-Editor Newman:

Aloe Vera Plants

A Reminder to me, To Be more Christ-Like.

In my yard,

Under the warm skies.

I enjoy my Aloe Vera’s

My smile I cannot hide.

I care for them

All year long

I keep them in the garage

So they can keep warm.

And grow tall and oh so strong.

I hope this plant stays around for so long.

It hurts me, when I see one,



Wire Editor Newman

Writer of, Humor, Poetry, Life, Love, Fiction, Automobiles and the Blues. / Writing in /