Amen, to all of that.
I worked downtown in my city for my entire career. Fighting parking meters was a constant problem, and I am assuming for an important cause. Who knows we never saw any stats, or proof o that. Never booted, but I got my share of Expired Meter Tickets.
Every so often new meters would appear. For the most part, it only meant a nickle was not going to give you as much time as before.
Then I went back to downtown after a few years on my retirement. OMG, even more rules, new rules, about when you can park, where you can park.
But my biggest rant are the new electronic meters. There is a program you can sign up for and swipe a card, (I am guessing to use the meter). I was able to use quarters, and I put in three, just in cae. I had to run in and out of a building quickly. Back in the day, that would be more than enough. Today, yep I got another ticket.
Three quarters don't go as far as they used to..
Can't wait to read more, on these meter struggles.