Another great Article... however, about half way through it, I had to skip to the end of the article....
lalalalalalalala, lol...
I agree with you so much, I hope more people read your article. It is great advice.
Before Medium, I was hooked on fb, seeing the latest and greatest post and pictures of my family and friends, and the 1,000 or so people I had no idea who they were. lol.
Medium changed all of that for me. I enjoy medium, I enjoy the people here, this as you say, is a great "Community". Some of the best advie I have heard in Medium.
PS: I loved this ine as you wrote, " The only revolution I’m leading is a commitment to saying no to the things that do not serve me."
That is also me. In fact when someone tries to tells me something I do not want to hear, I either say "HIPAA" or simply my house numerical, example...245...
As in, "Have you heard about Bill?"
answer "245", lol. it works everytime.