Being married to an Asian, (Filippino) for 15 years, there is one thing I know for certain. Asian women will always win. They will work hardr than most, and they will most definately win. I mean that with the best intentions, and all the ove in my heart. My wife when she got to America went to work in a hospCEO down listenning to he. She had nurses and doctors somewhat scared of her.
lol... Basicially she ran the show ... When she left, the CEO down were asking her to stay, but she was ready o leave. Now she works in a warehouse business, and because of her Asian work ethics, she is such a huge influence on the warehouse to up production.
This just not stop at work, she is my BOSS also, Yes Ma'am, lol...
I am so proud of you and your work ethics.
I enjoyed your story... You might want to read, my favorite city in the world... Digos City Philippines.
Thanks in advance