Member-only story
Best Driver Ever
My Step-Dad The WWII Hero.
Dad, amongst other things, taught me how to drive a manual transmission.
I will always have a big debt of gratitude to my Step-Father I will never be able to repay. However, if you knew my Step-Dad, he is a humble man, who would never suggest I repay him anything. If I tried to re-pay him, he would just humbly say, It was my Pleasure.
When I was 13, My Step Dad married my Mom. From that day, he became my dad. As time moved on, he taught me how to drive, at 13 uears old. I had no Drivers License, but he wanted me to lern so when the time was right I would pass my driving test, and get a proper driver’slicense and go to work, and “Get A Job.”
Wait Dad,
Wait, I thought helping you and painting this old house, and mowing the grass was working. I learned the difference that day, between the two words Duty, and Responsibility. I sort of lost the definition of the two words over time, as Dad explained them to me.. However, I am pretty sure at 13, those two words, meant the same thing.
But how do you challenge, what all this man has been through.
He lived in the hills of Arkansas on a small family farm. Everyday, he had the Duty and Responsibility to plow the fields with an old…