Member-only story
Canoeing With a Professional
What was I thinking?
I was reading an article from a writer in our community, as I usually do when I found a funny canoe story. I mean the more I read this story the more I was thinking this sounds so familiar. A group of high school church kids in canoes. What could possibly go wrong? This story reminded me of my own high school church canoeing story.
Before I go any further, let me introduce you to this writer, Ginger Cook. She is one of those writers who writes great articles and has a great sense of humor. I encourage everyone to check out her homepage. I am sure you will find an article or more you like.
I would tell you more about her canoe article, but you know what we say around here, “Mr. Algorithm and Ginger Cook both would love for you to read her article. I will add the link to her story, at the end of my article.
Al, a Canoe, and a Waterfall—“Buckle -Up Buttercup”
Like Ginger Cook, I also had a great youth department while growing up in my church. As evident by my “First Kiss” story about my first girlfriend. However, this is quite a different story.
The church youth department wanted to go canoeing and our Youth Leader (let’s call him Rob) was just the right man for the job. Rob told us at our Wednesday…