Member-only story
What's Tagalog for Jealous
Careful Where You Leave a Love Poem
I would suggest not leaving it open on the laptop
Funny Story
I know most of you will say something to the effect of, “Me and my significant other have an open relationship, and we don’t hide anything from each other. In fact, we have passwords to everything each other writes and saves.” And likewise, I agree with that. I have a similar agreement with my wife.
My wife talks and writes a lot in the Filipino language of Tagalog. She could write in bold print, laptop open, and I would have no idea what she is writing about, nor would I care. I am good with that. We trust each other and there has never been a problem—until this past Friday.
To save, or not to save
When I woke up Friday morning, I woke up with a poem on my mind. I knew if I did not get the poem onto paper, I would forget a lot of it. The poem was about losing love, finding a new love, and how to move on from a lost love. Basically, love, love, love, love. So, off to my desk, I went.
I was into my third verse of the poem and the wife called to meet her for lunch. So, I hurried because that’s what good hubbies do. And I am still working on that Mr. Mom award.