And One Final Toast
Quick Introduction
In buying and selling used cars, the initials O.B.O. are commonly used. The Intitials OBO in selling a used car stands for, Or Best Offer. So if someone sold a truck for example for $500 or OBO three things to consider. 1) They will take less than $500, 2) It is probably not running, and the most important,
3) You pretty much need to leave it alone. The tow bill will probably be that much.
You will see the OBO reference later in this poem. Enjoy.
Dad’s Will,
And One Final Toast
It was a cold day in July
And that may sound strange
But not as odd…
As when the lawyer called my name.
We were sitting at a table
Eight feet across
Reading of “The Will”
Of the Father we lost.
My brother and sister,
Sat with me side by side
Our thoughts of our Dad
Our emotions we could not hide.