Member-only story

Snakes — Day 22

Describe Your Worst Fear

The day I quit hunting

Wire Editor Newman


Photo by Duncan Sanchez on Unsplash

Challenge #22.

Here is another great challenge from Nancy Blackman, editor and publisher of Refresh the Soul. This is # 22 in a 30-day Challenge. Here goes:

Describe your worst fear

This challenge is very easy for me to answer. Actually, I can answer it in just one word. Snakes. In fact, I just yelled snakes out loud when I read the challenge.

That would include any snake, venomous or non-venomous. Snakes in any country, just snakes in general. I know there are people reading this calling me all kinds of names right now, and more power to you.

However, I am scared to death of snakes, there I said it.

I also know many snakes are here to help us by controlling rats, rodents, and other small creatures. I also know the Burmese Pythons live in Florida, and there is no limit to what they can eat.

Copperhead Snake

I will say when I lived out in the country, I saw my share of copperhead snakes. The copperhead snake is a beautiful snake. However, it is also very venomous.

When you have small children, you have to beware of your surroundings and teach them…



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