Member-only story
Divorce Your Title
If your title is not working for you, it may be time to leave it.
The image enclosed from unsplash, could easily be, North Louisiana for the past Month. Wxcept we had no electricity. It was just miserable.
HELLO mEDIUM, I AM BACK. I HAVE MISSED all of YOU great writer’s so MUCH.
Poor Poor Pitifu Me.
NOT TO SOUND LIKE , “POOR, POOR, PITIFUL ME, But wow, what an eventful past month and a half I have had.
To spare you the deails, I will be brief.
First, there was a title I once had in my head, that I waned to turn into a poem. This new poem,”I had named the poem, “”The “Taggart Wind.” This idea of a poem was im my minds eye, was going to be a Master Class Poem. How could I go wrong with a title like that. “The Taggart Wind.” However, I I was very wrong.
I wanted to write a poem about being on the ocean sailing the seven seas, in a Catamaran Sail Boat. I would describe the beautiful colors of the ocean, and the beautiful places I would have stopped at. Including the people and scenery of these beautiful tropical islandes. I might save that idea until. retirement. Or until, I learn how to steer a sILBOAT.