First, that is a beautiful picture of a 56 Chevrolet at the gas station. Sorry I digress....
OMG, I laughed all the way through your article. Mostly the name, "Imogene" , No disrespect, but... We might be related. We hand an Imogene, an Aunt Erva, Aunt Erma Aunt Ida Mae, and the list is a mile long. My favorite aunt was Aunt Fay, She never married and had the fastest car in our town, lol.
The Self Serve gas station is a huge step back in time for me. My uncle had a gas station it was an Esso, until Esso had to change its name to Exxon. We all worked there on and off, back then my Uncle was more our favorite baby sitter, lol
Finally I went to work there in my last year in college. Checking the air in tires, checking water and oil, gas of course. Chaning the oil and the tires, batteries, and that bell..."Ding Ding"
All good times. omg We had the dirty nasty bathroom ourself. It was outside the gas station and no door lock. wowowow ,it was rough in there. Once I threw an open box of tide and comet in there... grabbed a lawn sprinkler, and just let the sprinkler do its thing for about two hours... If half way worked, the other half was me getting yelled at by my Uncle, lol
Omg, Such a great story you wrote...
Such good times
PS- In college I could not tell the girls in college, I worked in a gas station, although it was just across the street... I told the girls, I was in the Oil and Gas business. lol.. I got busted on that too one time.
Great Great Story