First, you had me laughing at,"that it would make the highlight king David Perlmutter proud."... David if you are reading this, I am on your side. Highlight away... No disrespect, but that is funny. lol
Second, it has been a long time since someone painted a picture of a book that encouraged me to read it. (Great job Gerald.)
But the more I read this response, the more I could relate to it. Especially what you wrote, "This quote is true here on Medium. We find, build or be a part of a community, and end up healing by reading each other’s stories. I know I’ve healed by reading and connecting with others on here, and I hope others have healed too, by knowing that they aren’t alone in their struggles.."
I have so many people praying for me, and encouraging me, right here in Medium. ..
Dr Perry is so right, in his quote, "We heal best in community"