Member-only story
No Phones
Flippy — Floppy
A Grown-Up Travelling Game.
Flippy Floppy
This past weekend me and my sister, made our 4-hour trek to Dallas, to see our sick big brother. More on him later.However, in the meantime we would apprciate if you took time to please remember him in your thoughts and or, prayers. We certainly appreciate it, and “Thank You in Advance.”
Enjoying the Drive
It does not take much for me and sister to have a good time in playing any kind of board games or card games. However, me and my sister, thrive on our conversations. We have so much fun, just talking with each other.
We can laugh and just see the lighter side of most conversations. In the process, we are both usually just in tears, laughing so much, at each other. No where does this happen more, then when we are travelling in our cars.
Four College Degree’s Between Us,
Anyone who knows me, knows I did not mention that above heading to be braggadocios, and thank you Mr. Spellchecker, for the help. However, we do have the degrees, and you would think with four college degrees between us, we could come up with something better, than a conversation called, “Flippy — Floppy.”