For 32 years, as a public servant, I was yelled at, lie to, spit at, cursed, accussed of everything great and small. So, it takes a lot to offend

However, I did have a relitive who tried her best to offend me and my sis growing up. Case in point. I once was in a coma with meningitis, This relative spoke to me as I layed in the hospital, I could not move a muscle, not even my eyes, but I heard everything she said. "Albert, you look just like you Dad after he died from his 3rd heart attack". What? When I got well, I drove to her house and reminded her of what she told me, as I was fighting for my life... That one did hurt.

Wire Editor Newman
Wire Editor Newman

Written by Wire Editor Newman

Writer of, Humor, Poetry, Life, Love, Fiction, Automobiles and the Blues. / Writing in /

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