Great article and Poem:,
Honestly, I think the squirrel was your spirit animal, trying to tell you something.
I may have gotten this wrong, but I can be a good listenner, at times, or not. lol. Example, my neighbor ttried to tell me something at my fence at 8:00am once. She knew my routine, and she was there in her bathrobe, to tell me something. But I had to go. Miss X, are you in trouble? No, Is anyone threatening you? No, Are you scared? No, Is anyone in your house? No. Are you hurt, bruise, or have you been attacked? No.... Do you need medical or the Police? No Then I have to go. I had a call for service, but I could not leave her if she was in trouble or danger.
I came home at 2:00pm that day, and pulled into her driveway. I took out a note pad, and went to her house. Hello Miss X, can I see your Driver's license. My what? My license? Yes Ma'am. I can get all the information I need a lot quicker by copying it off her Drivers License.
Why my license, because I am a First Responder, anything you tell me, is subject to an Official Report. Which may or may not require Detectives.
Wait Wait wait, she said.
A neighbor behind us is 80 years old, and I think he likes me, but I turned him down, so now he likes Miss Y, across the street. But she wants nothing to do with him because he is married to Miss Z.
I closed my notepad, and said, Goodbye. lol
I will listen to anyone I can help, however, I simply do not care about the drama, or about gosip of three senior senior citizens,, involved in a Soap Oprea. But Miss X, yes. Call me if something happens, of a medical or legal situation happens.
I also know someone today, that will burst into a long winded conversation that is full of drama... I will hold up my open hand, and loudly say, lalalalalala, Stop. I do not care to hear about this.
But the answer is always, as you wrote, Take it to the cross.