Great article LU, it reminded me of a Catholic Prodestant event we have each year in downtown...
Every year we have a, I think it is called a Blue Light Prayer, for all First Responders in a rather Large Catholic church in downtown. Roads are blocked off by the police, and Deputies, in cars, horses, motorcycles, and barricades. The local District, city, and Federal Judges march down the streets in full escort. It is quite the Show. They all file into this catholic church and take their places. A catholic Priest and a protestant Preacher are both there as well. It is a prayer Vigil of sorts, for the safety of First Responders, and the Judges, and Police, Sheriff, and Fire all rolled up into one. It is all quite impressive.
This one day the Priest announced to the congregation, all Catholics file in this line, all Protestants in this line. Mainly because we don't know what Catholics do in their line. But as I approached my Preacher, I paid close attention the Catholic line. at the end of the Catholic line the Priest laid his right hand on the person head and said a quick prayer. I hated to break in line, but I wanted to meet the Priest, and have him lay his hand on me, and to hear his prayer. I don't understand Latin, so that did not help.
However, when he laid his hand on my head, I was expecting a bout a 10 second quick prayer," Be safe and go in peach my Son", Something quick like that, However, when he laid his hand on my head, it was more like a 7- or 8-minute prayer... It was a long prayer. Thinking now maybe I should have stayed in the Baptist line. My Crew from my department started to snicker as I walked by. Not to be dis-respectful, I asked my crew, what is wrong with you, GROW-Up we are in a Catholic Church. In uniform...
one officer in my crew said, Dang Wire, that Priest must have found a demon in you. . I decided it was bestI just leave at that point.