~ or ~ The Start of a new week.
I would just like to say Happy Sunday to all! For a lot of us this is a day we have all worked towards for six long days. Finally, after six days of working, stress, and deadlines, today is the day to rest relax, be with family and friends, church or football, and for some of us, unfortunately we are still at work.
No matter you slice it, Sunday is a big wake-up, that your next week is just about to start. In my past life, with my rotating schedules, and being on call 24/7, 365, Sunday was for the most part, the first box on a calendar.
However, now Medium means more than that to me. I know now that if I am going to have a good week in writing, and a good week in stats, I need to plan and prepare for it today. In fact, we all do.
I would like for this “Post” to be a challenge to all of us, to have a great week in Medium. Here is my plan for the week, and some of my inspirations.
1..) To look back over the last week. I was able to be able to collaborate with three Medium writers. Thank you all. I had a great time in doing so and look forward in writing with them and or other Medium writers as well.
2.) Thanking all of those writers who left responses to an article I wrote. That means a lot to me and all the writers here. It means a lot to us all, that…