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Harry Potter, or Harry TOT-er

A Challenge by Denise Kendig

Wire Editor Newman


Photo by Shayna Douglas on Unsplash

The above picture is a Ford Anglia, as discussed later in this article.

Denise Kendig

I like what Denise Kendig wrote in her article, “This one has a Harry Potter theme, so I’m already feeling just a tad intimidated.”

Before I begin to attempt this Challenge, it must be disclosed that:
1) I agree with Denise Kendig, in this is intimidating.
2) I know NOTHING about Harry Potter.
3) All I know about Harry Potter, is he drives or flies in a Ford Anglia car. Not one of my favorite cars. (More later.)
3) Harry Potter also has a wand. I am not sure what Harry Potter does with his wand.
4) He may or may not live in a tree stump.

Denise Kendig’s article is titled: Harry Potter, Or Harry Tot-er?

With all that being said, Here we go:

Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans or Chocolate Frogs?

In Louisiana eating frog-legs is a delicacy, just not for me. And I do love chocolate. So, I am going with chocolate frogs here, with a clothes pin.



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