Member-only story
The Competition,
Ad The Love of Two Brother’s
Two Brothers, Who,
Compete, and not Argue
if this poem was about a vote
it would end in a re-election
The Love for my Brother
Was Never a Question
too close to call
Praying he will win, I hope
Secretly I cast,
I would throw him my vote
ut now the competition
PS: Dear Brother, it is almost
too early for the spring
but dreaming, for the pretty lawns, ahead.
We will never compete, or debate each other again
That was reserved for you.
My Dear Brother, my friend.
We would brag about our yards
And how well, we had mowed.
We would fuss about tools.
Dagging them out of storage,
From the garage, they were stowed.
Bragging about our edging
and the crisp lines we made
texting each other
While drinking tea in the shade.
your lawn was always beautiful
I must admit