Hello Lu,
This may well be one of the best articles I have read about this prompt yet. I just told BeBe the same thing. It is hard to say which was the most impressive to me now. Burying a friend is definately a hard thing to do. I have been there a few times, with my work mates, and a couple of times with friends I grew up with.
Your friend named Babe made me laugh. I had a someone in my family who went by Babe also. This is coming from a man whose mother was named Willie Nelson, lol...
I am so glad you made friends with Babe's daughter. What an awesome story. I have a new publication soo called, Gratitude II. My Senior h.S. days. For some odd reason I transfered to a Private school my senior year. So many rich kids, I was so outclassed. The crazy part was, they loved my humble home, it was like a refuge for them, lol
I tagged you
Have a Happy Late Thanksgiving