Hello Tanya. Well, you did request a Wifey -Wire story, lol... PS, Wifey-Wire called
Hello Tonya, Well, you did say you wanted a story about Wifey-Wire, lol
PS" Wifey-Wire called me today and stated there is another salad in the fridge. She further went on to say I did not need to wash the salad. Meaning, She did not want me to add water....
Whaaaaaat? I worked all day, came home to my recliner and drank another
alad. Then I cleaned up really good, and I hid all the evidence. lol.
God is so good. Looking back, I believe Gid directed to each of my Great doctors.
Thanks again Tonya, and PS: I can't tell you how many time my Guardian Angel has helped me since the last time we talked about Guardian Angels.
I have been blessed with great Doctors, and each one is so funny in their own way. But all of them are so concerned about my health. If I could only find a Dentist like that, lol.