Hello Tonya... Taking a Deep breath... That is such a sad story. I agree, that Lady, aka Cruella, knew more abthe dog in the street she is letting on to. If you are going to aimlessly drive around feeding strays, the least you can do is to feed them closer to the crrb, actually over the curb... I did like the line ou used, "“When your children are teenagers, it’s important to have a dog so that someone in the house is happy to see you.”" lol, why did I never think about that, lol...I am proud of you to check all this out for yourself. Thank you for that....
I might write an article as the Doctor has ordered me to walk every day. It is not so bad, but now I know why the walkers in my neighborhood carry golf clubs. I thought Shark Week was a scary place to be. Shark Week doesn't have anything on loose dogs in my neighboorhood. Especially this one Stray Cat, that looks like a scary Halloween poster. My sis found ou.. I wold never hit a dog or cat with a golf club, However I might poke one, (gentley)tp push tem back. Then I would do everything I could to pet the dog and make friends. The small dogs are the ones that scare me. However, I think the dogs in my neighborhood have been contitioned. Man with a golf club leave him alone. lol
To feed a dog in the middle of the street, is just deplorable.Thanks again for watching over our fury friends.