I am just in shock, I really do not know what to say.
First as the parent of a handicapped child, I applaud your courage in telling this story. Much respect to you and your family in dealing with your childs needs, head-on. From what I gathered from the story your daughter is doing much better. My prayers are with her and her family as well. However the punishment she got from her Cheer Squad, sounds horrible, and completely over the top. Someone needs to look into that.
Thank you for the information in your article, I hope this info, can help other people..
All that being said..... I too have a health issue, I will be writing about in weeks, and or days to come. I can't change what I have, but like your article, (WHICH HAS ENCOURAGED ME, AND GAVE ME THE STRENGTH I NEED, TO MOVE FORWARD IN WRITING MY ARTICLE) Thank you.
I also want to give the warning signs to other people who may be going through what I am going through. Thank you again for your article.