I am so sorry for your inconvience, and terror you went through. I do not understand why people have to act like that. It will only hurt his business, the way he lashes out at you and others. I pray you are safe, and this has all passed.
I did have a salesman come to my house once who would not leave. I reminded him what I did for a living, and suggested him to leave... Still he kept making small talk about his vaccumcleaner.
DUDE GET OUT OF MY HOUSE, I DON'T WANT YOUR VACCUM CLEANER. My exwife was putting a collar on our German Shepherd at the back door, inside the house. . The man asked what is that? I told him, that is 95 pounds of whoop a$$ coming your way, I would leave if I was you. I have never seen a salesman move so fast in my life.