I am so sorry for your loss of your Mom. I love this article, you did such a great job, in expressing your feelings, I just re-read this article. Maybe it is because I just lost my Brother and my Dad in rhe same year, but your article really speaks to me. I feel myself re-living my emotions when I lost my Mom in 2020, also.
God is Good, giving me strength to carry on, and to be that Brother with Big Shoulders, for my sister to lean on, Sorta sounded like Bill Withers there for a minute, lol
PS: Laughter is my way of getting through tough times. In no way, am I being disrespectful when I find laughter is my best medicine. Even at crime scenes, I looked for something, anything to take my mind off the obvious. I once tried ciars, as my way to "get away" Mainly because, cigar smoke was a smell, I could relate too. Then after a month or so, I couldn't get the smell out of my car, and this temporary crutch was becoming a habit. I sat them down, and never went back.
I found out, A smile and a pat on the back, worked just as well for me.
God Bless, you and your family, Mom has been gone now 4 years, and it still seems like yesterday.