I think it would be better I just be qiet right now, because there is so much I want to say, and follow up on your story.
We definitely grew up in the same time period. I remember the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan show, and their first concert in America. There were so many fans singing, you could not hear a word they were saying. I did love the Beatles growing up.
My older brother had a small band who had band practice in the living room every saturday morning. That was so much fun to hear his band playing all the popular songs. He taught me how to play the drums, Great Songs, like "Wipe-Out, " by the Surfaris, and "In-A Gadda-Da-Vida, by the Iron Butterfly. I was playing those songs in Junior High School. (Yea I am that old.)
One of his Favorite and ours to was, "House of the Rising Sun," by the Animals,
However, the best drummer in our house, was by far, my Sister... She could have been a pro drummer in any band.
The music I like Is Rhythm and Blues, from the 60's and 70's, Al Green, Barry White, The Temptations, omg the list is a mile long.
If I want to "Cheer-UP," it is either Sada, "Smooth Operator, or (Any song.), or Joe-ex, "I Gotcha You" And who could forget Silver Convention "Fly Robin Fly" ( A great driving song)
Great article, Julie K.G...