My Favorite Holiday of All
Just to get the negatives out of the way, the one big thing I do not like about Christmas, probably the only thing I do not like about Christmas, has to be the traffic. If you are in Dallas or any major city and trying to do some Christmas shopping right about now, good luck. Try just getting across town is also difficult.
However, I will not rant or dwell on the traffic anymore, we have all probably experienced bad traffic during Christmas. Nor can I let traffic completely ruin my Christmas.
What I Do Love About Christmas
That list is a mile long. What is there not to love about Christmas? Food, music, a couple days off from work, football on tv, fireworks, did I mention food? There are family gatherings, although my family gatherings are getting smaller, I am still thankful for all my family I do have.
There are the friends, the weather, if you are in the south, maybe just maybe some snow, or at least, some long sleeve weather. Did I mention food?
There are outdoor activities family enjoy together. A hike in the woods, playing sports outside, or playing with whatever animal someone might have brought over. That’s always fun. There is usually that one pet, that can’t play well with others. Did I mention food?