Member-only story
A Day to Remember
Lost Story Found, Great Day at Six-Flags
Batman, Emergency Room, Yosemite Sam, Catwoman
Lost Article, Found / Great Vacation at Six-Flags
Batman, Emergency Room, Yosemite Sam, Catwoman
First, I would just like to say how much I have always loved going to Six Flags, especially Six Flags in Arlington, Texas. Since I was a kid, and I mean a young kid, going to Six Flags always put a smile on my face.
Also, as a kid, I grew up watching Warner Brothers, Looney Toons, and Batman (DC Comics) every Saturday morning, and Batman the TV series, I believe, every Thursday night. The characters I mentioned above were all at Six Flags on the day of this story.
This brings me to the fact that anything and everything that happened to my son that day was all my fault, as I believe in “Constant Supervision.” However, apparently, I was not practicing my own belief. I hold no grudge or ill-will against anyone at Six Flags on that day, which has been 20+ years ago.
In fact, I am very humbled by the support I received from Six-Flags. Thank you all.