Much Repect... That is an awesome story. I love the fact the hubs is up when the kids get up, and makes them coffee, Outstanding.
My Son used to be on a SWAT Team. When he was going through the training he had to be polished and ironed everyday. For like two months. I would greet him at the garage door as he zombie walked into the house after work, shedding boots and clothes. I did not make him coffee, but I know a little about Class A all the way, uniforms.
He had boots to polish, this ecto skeleton of pads, some padded some not, and of course his nasty boots. I took care of all of that. He was giving 110% effort to make the team, so I cleaned his uniform for him. Likewise we had a quick morning conversation as he drove off in his black jeep, usually with a snappy salute for Dad. Good Times.