My Grandfather was a Preacherman, and I was with him every Sunday during the Summers. I know those songs by heart.
My Aunt played the piano... She would set the tempo for each song. lol playing fast or slow, never following the sheet music.
PS: I have no trees, but I do have three alo vera plants. Small, big, and omg this is a heavy one. plants. Don't tell anyone, especially that Pam person, lol... but I would talk to my plants when I brought them inside during the winter months.
"Ok baby, I am going to take care of you, next plant, you re almost as big as you brother, come warm up in the house, the big one, omg I gotta put you on a diet" lol.
PS That is quite the hill... Looks more like a hill the SWAT team would rappel from with ropes., lol