Member-only story
My Special Needs Angel
God Has a Plan
This is the title of a poem I wrote when my downs syndrome daughter was very young. This poem helps explain some of my thoughts and fears when my daughter was born, and when she was very young.
This poem also personally, helped me make it through some difficult times. I hope you enjoy this poem about my special needs daughter, and how she has helped me.
The Big Day
In August of 1984, my first wife and I were expecting our first child. What we were not expecting was any medical issues with the pregnancy, or delivery of our child. The birth of our first child was a blessing, a huge part of our lives, and everyone around us felt our excitement.
My brother and his wife had already had three healthy kids, and now it was our turn.
The big day happened and off to the Hospital we go. So far, everything was just fine. Even our old Chevrolet started right up and got us to the hospital in plenty of time.
What is Happening?
However, the Nurse came running in the Emergency Room hallway, and was yelling, something about the baby could not breathe and an emergency C-Section had to be performed, Now! Off they went into E.R., with my wife crying and our unborn child she was carrying.