What is your OCD Story?
To begin with I used to think I was not OCD at all. The top of my desk at work was proof of that. Or was it? The more I started looking at what I was doing and how I was doing certain things, I got to admit, I definitely have certain OCD tendencies. The stapler goes top left on the desk, and the phone is on the top right corner. Maybe I do have a little touch of OCD.
I am not really sure, and I know, I am certainly not qualified to define what OCD truly is. I am not sure if my OCD is more annoying to others, which I am certain that a few of my OCD quirks are. Or is it something that really needs to be addressed. On the other hand, I hear people bragging about “how over the top” they are with their OCD tendencies.
I know one individual who does not consider her house clean, until she gets a ladder and polishes the top of her ceiling fan blades. I tell that story, and I am always amazed by the responses I get.
A number of people will agree with the way she cleans her ceiling fan blades, and even offer more ways they care for their ceiling blades.