Member-only story
Of Course, It Could Only Happen to Me
Why not?
Just a Medical Update
First, sorry I have been absent for a few days now. However, everything medically speaking is proceeding just fine. So far, (where is that wood fo me to knock on), there are no major or any unforeseen issues. That is a Blessing.
My Surgery two weeks ago
Everything went fine, but if you know anything about me, something funny had to have happened. It did.
My wife drove me to the hospital. Lucky for me she was driving, and we were running late. I moved a few things around in her front passenger seat of her SUV, so I could sit down. However, I miss one important thing I should have moved. A small cheap plastic, more like a zip-lock bag with alcohol wipes inside of it. I sat in the front seat, not seeing the plastic bag of wipes.
You guessed it, I sat on the zip-lock bag, bursting the bag, and now I am sitting on something wet, and somewhat cool to the touch. The alcohol in this plastic bag had soaked into my sweatpants, making a wet ring, and with it, the smell of rubbing alcohol.
I hid the wet pants pretty well as I walked into the hospital until I was told to sit on the hospital bed for further instructions. Ok Ms. Nurse Lady, but first there is something you should know. I told the Nurse the…