Ohhh Frosty, to quote a phrase I am beginnig to love more and more, Your story "Refreshed my Soul." I love it all, especiallt, as your wrote, ummm barked.."s. It was like she just “Passed Out after Passover”." lol...
"Get togethers", can be a lot of fun, and or somewhat stressful... It sounds like your Get together, was best served "Under the Table", ....If possible that is where I would have been... Well, not exactly, that sounds sorta creepy, now I wrote it, lol...
No killing squirrels? Whaaaat? The new girl is definately from Louisiana, lol... Squirrel dumplings is a delicacy here... However, to be honest, I have not been squirrel hunting nor ate any squirrel dumplings since I was nine, lol NOPE... Not after I saw my first McDonalds, lol
Great story Frosty,
Write back soon.
Another Froster letter for the Fridge. lol
Uncle AL.