OK, you are two for two. I just read your article about the young death rate, in the black community, (Which was sad, but Excellently written, btw).
Now I am reading your Prayer / poem on "Forgiveness"
This poem is blowing me away. I have only had one relationship that went that far south. I lost a good friend over at best, a rumor. For a long time as you wrote, "Pride got in the way." A meeting was arranged and we talked, we ironed out our differences, we became friends again. So, I thought. We both apoligized, and shook hands. But sadly, we ae very distant friends.
I enjoyed you poem. / Prayer ... a lot.
Again, I hope more people get to read this Prayer / poem.
Maybe there is a Christian Poem Society, if you find one let me know.
And you Sir, "Keep Writing."