OMG, there is no ice-cream in the truck, if the music is on... hahahahaaha I wish I had thought of that one.
By the way, I lied to my son once when he was about seven. I lied to him in my Uncles gas station, of all places. I will never forget.
My son asked about a certain vending machine high on the wall. What is that dad, is there gum inside it? nooooo, no, no no... That is a special medicine for adults when they have a headache. There was no way, I am talking birds and bees to a seven year old in a gas station bathroom. ...
...years passed.... My son was in college and late one night he called me... Dad hate to bother you, but I have a headache, this machine in the gas station bathroom, doesn't seem to help my headache... lol .. I love that boy..
I wrote an article one about lyining to my son, titled, Lies I told my son,
The link is below.
Thanks in advance,
PS; I love your sense of humor.