Outstanding, First I love your Title, for this story.
Growing up in that same time period, I read your article to reflect back on my childhood during the 60's and 70's.
First the picture. This looks just like my family during that era. The women all look like they would be on my Mom's side, and the elder man in the suit and tie, on the bottom, could easily pass for my Preacherman Grandpa.
This is also a great article on the historic side, of what we all went through growing up. Some very sad times indeed.
The only thing I missed out on in these times, was the drugs. I have never tried, smoked, or as President Clinton said, I didn't inhale." lol.. And I have 3 polygraphs to prove it. Let's just say my older Brother was a Police Officer, and I was way more scared of him, than my parents, or the Police. lol.
I was most saddened about your story of the generation before this generation. The horries they must have faced.
Where is my family from? It depends on who you ask. My own family, on both side, disagrees. Some have taken the DNA testing, but I will just go with what my Dad's parents told me. Dad's side was Germany, and Ireland, My Mom's side was mostly English, .. But both sides, were full of hard working people, with either a Pontiac, or a Station wagon, or sometimes both.
Great article. I very much enjoyed this one.