Someone who needs to hear this message, undoubtly will read this message. That person is me.
Last night I went to see my Brother who was spending the night at his Son's house.
It caught my attention, there was at least three generations of family in this one room. (Granted it is a big room)
All generations were ejoying themselves, with conversations, TV, or even even toys. We were also there to be with my Brother, a Dad, a husband, Brother in law, and to the youngest, PePaw.
Then it hit me.... This is Easter, God gave us one more Easter to all meet together, be together, and in our own ways, Say Happy Easter, I love you, and Goodbye.
Your openning line says, "Just a reminder that God loves you." God does love us, and it was evident in the happiness in that house last night, just one more time, as a family to be together, .
God is Good,