Spotlight Sunday 2.0
My Second Spotlight Sunday Episode
Hello Readers
Good morning, and I hope you are having a great weekend. It is still amazing to me, how fast this year has gone by. It will be Christmas soon, then the New Year. “ A Toast”: For many reasons, I hope next year is a little brighter and happier for many / all of us. Salute’.
Spotlight Sunday 2.0
I really enjoy this series, Spotlight Sunday. It begins for me, one week ago today actually reading comments from writers today, and throughout this past week.
However, this weeks Spotlight Sunday, only took minutes for me to choose. Mainly because it only took minutes for a reader to answer my question.
This past week, I wrote an article titled: Medium Help Desk, I need Help. Linked below. help desk | Medium
Basically, I needed the older articles I had written, “Metered”, to earn money. After all, I had my 100 followers / mentors, who are the best of the best. (I am actually the follower). I am also a member of the: Medium Partner Program. I…