What a great week this has been. I have met some new people this week in Medium, gained some new followers, and as always, I have learned some new things this week here in Medium.com.
Which all the above, gave me the idea to put a spotlight on one of those new follwers I met this week. Here in Medium.com that is. As I was responding to her clap, and messages she so graciously sent me, I read a couple of her stories.
The first article I read was:
Christmas Miracle Right Before My Eyes | by Debbie’s Reflection | Medium
(PS: Why can’t I make that Article Box thing, anymore? Any ideas, please let me know. Sorry I digresses.)
A Christmas Miracle Right Before My Eyes | by Debbie’s Reflection | Medium
This is a very heartfelt article, in memory about her son, during Christmas. I will let you read her article, I am sure she would like that, and as we all know, Mr. Algorithm likes that as well.
What I can say about her article is, it has an ending I did not see coming. There is so much about this article I want to tell you, but I do not want to spoil the ending. Trust me, you just have to read it. It will be time well spent.