Thank you Pam for writing this, and Thank you Pam for sharing this. There I said it, lol.... If this offends anyone please feel free to delete me from your account.
I am so lost in what some people say, and request... I was raised by the Golden Rule, treat people like you want to be treated. .. If I enjoy an article, I have no problem say, of all things: I enjoyed your artcle. If nothing else it is called feedback. For years teaching, and being a mentor, I would call it like it is. I would leave positive comments, and face - to - face as well, tell them what they did good and right, and what they did wrong, and can inmprove on.
I saw one post on a writers rant, of 20 words not to ever say: Awesome was one of them, really? Well, that's just Awesome!
Agreed I dont use the term "Cowabunga dude", nor have I ever used that term, but to each is/her own.
PS: Most of my Poems are given to me from God anyway, So if you (Not you Pam) don't like the words I use... Take it up with Him, let me know how that works out for you. lol