Thank you so much, mentioning me in your article.. Your tagging me in your article was a big honor for me.
I am also honored to be mentioned beside Anne Trevaskis. I have not read hers articles, but I will go next to read some.
The hospital story was true, lol, and it was so funny as I lived through that day. You mentioned something about preserverance, and I truly believe that humor is how I cope with streesors in my life. lol
I have a story out tomorrow, I have you tagged. and BTW... WARNING, "Good possibly you will laugh" lol
Are you kidding me, I used to watch every episode of SOAP also. That to me was the funnies show on TV.
I grew up watching (U.S.) Football with my Dad. While sitting in his lap. When he would stand up and yell for his team, I would go flying into the floor. lol.
Have a great da,