Our Family Tree
In front of our house stood an old Oak Tree. This tree stood the test of time in our front yard for as long as four generations grew up under her watchul eye, and comforting arms.
This tree was always in the background, a source of many family gatherings, yet seldom spoken of. It was not until we moved, did we realize how much we woud miss that Magnificent old Oak Tree.
Our Family Tree, Our Real Family Tree
I was a freshman in college
The first time I saw that tree
Not really a second look
Just a very big tree, is all I could see.
But what I was missing
Was the power of that tree
The way it watched over us
Is what I could not see.
In the hot days of summer
The temp was a 100 or more
The tree gave us shade
To cool us to the core.
And what about every kid
Who climbed that tree so high?
As the magnificent tree held us.
And protected us in the sky.