That was a beautiful heartwarming story. And the picture of your young man, is precious.
I remember the day my daughter was born,
We had no clue anything was wrong, until the Doctor called me at work, and said. "Mr. Newman your daughter is Mongalo'd:
WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT. I WAS THINKING OF THE "ELEPHANT MAN" , She was so cruel in her words, A form of mental retardation. OK, I have a cousin we have called her as Mentally Retarded.. now of course, we use disable... But either way Doc, I am good with whatever God gave me.
then the Doc said she has slow motor skills, I sorta laughed, So do I doc, lol..
Long story short, nothing slows her down,
Once in church, she stood on our pew, and started flapping her arms like a chicken, during the SERMON!
The preacher from the pulpit, spoke...
He told the choir, to join him, as they all the choir, the Prescher, started flapping their arms like a chicken.... My daughter was so happy. Who knows, maybe that is like a Heavenly sign-language in heaven.
Either way, that was a great, funny, day