That was a beautiful piece on Encouragement. It is amazing to hoe incredibly amazing, God really is. I have been down a bit for the last two months. with all my medical issues. I keep getting through them, and I am now just seeing better with new eye-g;asses. Amazingly they are correcting my eyes, to re-align them selves. Feeling good, I got dressed and I was going to drive myself to work. I had to go to the doctor instead, because the rash I discovered on my leg was Singles.... Singles? Are you kidding me. However, I am almost over them too.... My need for some encouragement was pretty low. Then I fot in trouble for falling back at work, something I have never don on a job, since my first job, at 16 years old. I was sorta stresed ou, and this weekend is nothing but getting ready for next week, my FINALS week. eeeee gads!
so tonight, I turned on the coffee, and read some emails from Medium, something I have not had much time for or the "eyed" for in a few months.
And I saw a fami;iar writer, who always has a way to Rwfresh The soul, and today, a word of encouragement, which I needed so much;
God is Good. Coffee, a word of encouragement from a trusted friend, and now I feel like my old self again, Ready to writ a story adain, and ready for work tomorrow, and this weekend.
Thanks Nancy,
A little encouragement can go a long way. It is like planting a seed, we just dont know how well that plant will grow.
PS{ I am still writing my book. It is 13,000and I am about half way through. Does that sound like an average number of words for a book. or too many, or too few? Plus I have probably 13,000 more words to type.
Thanks for your article, I certainly got a lot from it.
AL aka, wireeditor newman