I did not quite make it there.
Hello Medium Writers. I hope everyone is having a great weekend. For some of us today is a day for last minute shopping. For me, and for quite possibly the first time ever, I was caught up on my Christmas shopping list about two weeks ago. Restaurant Gift Cards are a beautiful thing, just saying.
The Big Table
Holidays always remind me of the Big Table versus the little table, depending on your age and a few other descriptors.
For years growing up, I would have to sit at the “Little Table”, and it used to annoy me so much. Especially the older I got, and the younger those at the little table were becoming. Invariably there was going to be a spill at the little table. As the oldest person at the little table, somehow it was always my responsibility to help clean up the mess.
If only, I could make it to the Big table. I could hear them talking and telling jokes. They were all having a great time at the Big table.
I could also hear them talking about cars, hunting, fishing, sports. How old do I have to be, to sit at the big Table? The answer came at a big cost.