Member-only story
The Lord told Me, To:
Go Back, To My Double-Wide.
If your wife will forgive you, God said, keep her by your side.
I will be by you both, During this turmoil, and stress
I will be your Guide.
Your wife is waiting, Now, run back to your Double-Wide.
Easy does it, Me and Wifey Wire are doing great.
However, It happened again last night. I had just gone to bed, lights out when this poem came to my brain. I had to take out my phone, and write and write the words in this poem, in a text to my sister. I tried not to text it. But, did I tell you it was late at night, and all the lights were out.oops I ended up testing her this poem by mistake anyway. What a shocker.
Like so many other poems before, I was feeling the words, faster than I could type them.
tHIS IS A FICTITIOUS Poem. Me and Wifey Wire, are both doing great, and in fact we do not live in a double wide. All Fictitious. However, my first home was a single wide.
If your wife will forgive you, God said, keep her by your side.