The Night I Spent In a Louisiana Swamp

A Scary Right-of-Passage, so to speak.

Wire Editor Newman
Published in
6 min readJun 9, 2022


This is a picture of what looks to be a swamp in Louisiana. It has what looks to be shallow, non-moving water, covered in thick trees bending over, wich will lead to a bigger body of water. What ever you do, Do Not Get Lost, in a Louisiana swamp. There are some dangerious creatures to be careful of, in the bayou.
Photo by Nils Leonhardt on Unsplash

It was the summer of 86, and me and my best friend Rick had this wild idea of spending the night in a Louisiana swamp. We were both 18 years old, invincible, and yea we had heard the stories of how the swamps were cursed, and all the animals, nearly every one of them in the bayou could kill us.



Wire Editor Newman

Writer of, Humor, Poetry, Life, Love, Fiction, Automobiles and the Blues. / Writing in /