There is a completely different side to this so many people miss. Yes I agree there can be at times, a wide age gap. However.
My City had a teacher shortage a few years ago. Guess where they went to find teachers? Philippines. My city in the US, went to the Philippines to specificly hire school teachers.
Many hospitals I have ever been to, have a large population of Doctors and Nurses, from all over the world, inluding the Philippines. I personallly know of an Architect who has buitl Skyscrappers all over the world, and he is from the Philppines, and his wife is a U.S. Nurse, who is a filippino also.
Not all filippino's come to the US because they are poor, They come here for the same reason everyone comes here. For the Great U.S. Dream. Ps, when they make it here, they do send packages back home, to help their families.
There will be a Filippino Festival in my city this weekend, I am sure I will have an article on it. I invite you to read my article. PS: they are not all old farts. Several of our members of the military, have married Filippino's.
Old Farts marring young filippino's, none my business.... However, trust me, there are some very hard working Filippino's and other cultures from all over the world, working hard, and making a difference for their families, here and back home.
PS: and some of the best cooks n the world,.